Lincolnshire County Cricket League Premier Division Scoresheets 2006

-I 0 -I D r -u lSl ...... ( ·\._ e, North line~. ON15 SJH. Fax 01 n• 213t0f Gan,o commu1c•cfl, ,is- .Pffl iJ ... Fa II of wl~kets . - -~ ~ ~§) . Fall of wJckets r· 1 1 I? It 1·1tp,,1~1tP-J~· 1· , .. -~ I\' P~ ~ ~~l 1· I' I" I '!'~rn F!e!tmi~ first Horne Keaper....... .t.;t.. ~ .. lnf.t.lY.U~. I._...... Away Keeper....... ~~l~ .........un:r~ Cl rte {Block Caf;lftals}.. ,, ,..... ~~-~Kf/Q.~~'¥-'·· ,,.Slgnature.... l.Z~~f:':.~~----·~ Home fielder of Mate PI, i ... ~.v..~.~:fA¥. Flelcler of Matcl'!.... ~ ........ ~:>..U:.h. ,it:':.. ,.Umpire Two {B!cx:k CapltaJsJ................. &, ~'9.i............. Slgnature..~.:-~ .., • . _ Home Captain's slgnatu,.,_tt)~.. ~ ....... Aw"y Captalr>'s Slgr-.ah;ire.. ~.~~k_~ ..,.. PREM DIVISION ON-1.V; Um$! Tres• c mblnad ma~ for gro11nd (0111 of 10Jr•" 9 PREM DIVISl<lN ONLV: Umpire Orte marks from Ptome team (0111 of 1 Ot...... i,.......... Umpire One marks from a.way tearrr........,-~,,, ..........Umpire Two marks fr<lm l'lome team•• ~ .......... Umplre Two marks from away t1tam,.. ,::$.,,,,,,. NOW !I.EMEMBER TO I' HOHE YOUR RESULT ANO ~ORES TOi4 IOHT TO NIGEL FIS lfER'S AHSW'eR PHONE ClN 0166:l ~134 r r'(\l\ , o M G'-111 g +o (t_ o L-? (1 &i-o 3tS ,/ ...... I\) I c..; C z I I\) (S) (S) er, ...... (S) (S) Vl ,, a G1 D ;o -I -< r -I t, (S) ...... I\) (S) Vl (,J Vl (,J I\) (S) I\) 7) (S) ......