Lincolnshire County Cricket League Premier Division Scoresheets 2006

( ( Post to Nigel Fisher, Scun.JP5r_ee Telegraph, 4/5 Park Square, Scunthorpe, North Lines, DN15 6JH. Fax 01724 273101 Division ' R.ert Date ?...q flPlbL-- of;, Game commenced pm Fall of wickets Fall of wickets i-\-8 1 2 3 4 a 6 7 a ' 10 . ', ,.;, ,lf (. 1 2 3 4 s 8 7 a 9 10 lO 31} 52.. qi /I 3 i 1..? i, <g t,, 1,. .gg l '}~ lt;L, ~ r ~ '.)._ 2.JJ, . 59 7cg ~S"" '] <;" LOI+- l/.f 7 I ~<;? I 1 3 5 6 h.. 7 9' fs 1, -~· _!_eam Fielding_Firs_! Team Fielding Second Points Gained ---- ....... a ..... WW · .. : ft~-- .... __ a ..... ...... Ta•m .... ·--· .... _ .. Tnt (2. S µ ! 1,/-1 J ':I, ~ ~SI '3 •:., •, I f"I {l,fT I_, _IQ J-IJ V l (., I /.,9 3 UftU_, !;- ;:;- to 2.0 M A R ~ D 1_,,r:;--f 7 z.. t-1 I . •.' >l. A U1,..L.Al-l C) I 3~ J I' . ,, AWAY /1.. 4- - ~ 1.-l (J l L la{' , N r. -f'nA < :?o I ., ,·~' A S P li Ef{t-...1 L~ '2 c:; c. t..J.. I·.,• p r , ;:;,r,_ ,--4~ ,7 17 I/- 4b 2- . 'I•; p R L D i-£7'7' 2. - I u- - 1 - I S ·, j::,1/{ D 11-, g I .13 2- : , '1 G. r ·_AR1-,mJ ~ - 13 - ,_ , ,, ... A. Home Keeper•..• .t'{.8,J?_?.ij0.k.k; ... "J,.. lf..~.. Aw_ay Keeper........ 9!::... t!':1.f.>'!:-.~J..-:J....... Umplre One (Block Capltals)•••• /.?.....?.1~.£~.:::'............................ Slnnature....... ~~~ .. ~~lo~ "?/i··~plre pare one marks trom nome team (out or 10).......,............. umpire one marks from away team...........................ump Umpire Two marks from away team................. NOW REMEMBER TO PHONE YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGEL FISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON 01652 655134 0 ~ /Vv1f)0 iv ~ . OQ ~ ; JL•. ~<SI ( i 5 l 1/v\. ~ f tYV {