Lincolnshire County Cricket League Premier Division Scoresheets 2006

( \I\/\ \ <:> > r N C1 ( foll\/\ ./-- ------..... ) Nigel Fisher, Scunthorpe Telegraph, 4/5 Park Sq)lare, Scunthorpe, North Lines, DN15 6JH. Fax 01724 273101 Dlwtslon Dllte{Z...'2-/4/ob . I Oll1Mcomn>enced pm INNINGS OF DAM BATTING_ aaCOND . 2- + -t Fall of wlck•b Fall of wlck•ts ~ + (._p I v. Prm., 'T l!il,,l'l__111s I ez,. I c I t ~ Home KMper...... \t.".:... ~~~~~e:< .....: .. A;.y K..per.... s...:.aitr.,~~...:...... um;,... O~(-~k Caplta~)......... e.:.. :u.ff ..t.l,l./.7.l;.:.{.y,:• .(..,.... :;::l!J"•ture...\ •...:~~ ....> Home Flelder of Matchfu:G.~~:·· A-y Fl•ld•r of Match.......................'<";2'~mplre T- (Block Capltals)........ 1... .1.-J... J.:b?.£.t.:~~.Slgnature , Home Captain's signature........... •.......................Away Captain'• Slgna~re.~. ................... PR•N DIVISION ONLYj Umpires' combined martm for ground (out of 10)... PRIM DIVISION ONLY: Umpire Ona marksJrom home tea,n (out of 10)....... J:?.......... Umpire On• marks from away t"m........... ~ ............Umplre T- marks from home t-m......... W....... Umpire Two tn11rkll from away t..m ••••••• J?...... NOW REMEMaER TO PHONI YOUR RESULT AND SCORES TONIGHT TO NIGEL FISHER'S ANSWER PHONE ON 01852 S55134 f l V\_,v\-l O AAA..,_;-f G T 6 µoF{---00~ 6 ---t-6