Lancashire League Handbook 2013

39 (2)Abuse of a player (a) Aplayer found guilty of any formof abusive behaviour towards one or more members of the opposing team or of making gestures to one or more members of the opposing teamor any act of violence on the field of play. Suspension -MINIMUMperiod of two games with immediate effect (b) The guilty player's captain is liable to be suspended for aMINIMUMperiod of two games if it is found that reasonable steps were not taken to ensure good behaviour from the player. (c) Deliberate violent physical contact on amember of the opposing team. Suspension - MINIMUM period of five games with immediate effect. The severity of the violence will influence the appropriateness of the length of sentence to be imposed. (3) Abuse of an umpire (inclusive of intimidation whether by language or conduct) (a) Dissent by action or verbal. Suspension -MINIMUMperiod of two games with immediate effect. (b) Dissent by action and verbal. Suspension -MINIMUMperiod of four games with immediate effect. (c) Verbal or written abuse (inclusive of using language that is obscene, offensive or insulting and/or themaking of an obscene gesture. Suspension -MINIMUMperiod of five games with immediate effect. (d) Deliberate violent physical contact or threat of assault. Suspension- MINIMUM PERIOD OF TWELVE GAMES with immediate effect. The severity of the violence will influence the appropriateness of the length of sentence to be imposed. (4)AggravatedAbuse Any aggravated abusive comment or action will result in suspension; i.e. using language or a gesture that offends, insults, humiliates, threatens, disparages or vilifies another person on the basis of that person's race, religion, colour, descent, national/ethnic origin or sexual orientation. Suspension - MINIMUM PERIOD OF TWELVE GAMES with immediate effect. (5)MandatoryReporting under the Laws The umpires after consultation are instructed to report transgressions under the following headings: Law18.5 - Deliberate short runs Law24 (c) - Fair delivery- the arm Law42.3 - Changing the condition of the ball Law42.4 - Deliberate attempt to distract striker Law42.5 - Deliberate distraction or obstruction of batsman Law42.6,7&8 - Dangerous and unfair bowling Law42.9 -Time wasting by the fielding side