Lancashire League Handbook 2014

156 At the League Meeting on the 26th June, 1957, Mr. Harold Sutcliffe was made a Life Member in recognition of his 30 years’ service to the League, the last four years as President. At the Annual Meeting of the League on the 22nd February, 1961, Mr. Jack Isherwood was made a Life Member in recognition of his 26 years’ service to the League, the past 11 years as Honorary Secretary. At the Annual Meeting of the League on the 24th February, 1965, Mr. John Powis was made a Life Member in recognition of his 23 years’ service to the League, the past ten years as HonoraryTreasurer. At the League Meeting on the 25th September, 1974, Mr. C.R. Davies, T.D., J.P., was made a LifeMember in recognition of his service to the League. At the Annual Meeting of the League on the 27th February, 1980, Mr. T. AlstonJ.P. wasmade a LifeMemberin recognitionof his servicesto the League. At the Annual Meeting of the League on February 25th 1981, Mr. Jack Isherwoodwas appointed President Emeritus. At theAnnual General Meeting of the League on February 25th 1987, Mr. J. Greaves was made a Life Member in recognition of his services to the League andwas presentedwith a Silver Tray. At the Annual Meeting of the League on 24th February, 1988, Mr. C. Duerden was appointed Deputy Chairman Emeritus on his retirement as Deputy Chairman in recognition of his services to the League. At theAnnual Meeting of the League on 28th February 1990, Mr. T.H. Ward, J.P., was made a Life Member of the League in recognition of his services to the League andwas presentedwith a silver tray. At the Annual Meeting of the League on 24th February, 1992, Mr. J. Clarke was made a Life Member of the League in recognition of his services to the League. He was presentedwith an inscribed silver tray. At the Annual Meeting of the League on Wednesday, 24th February, 1999, Mr. P. Westwell was made a Life Member of the League in recognition of his services to the League. At the presentation dinner he was presented with an inscribed silver tray. At the Annual Meeting of the League on Wednesday, 28th February, 2001, Mr. R.B. Prickett was made a Life Member of the League in recognition of his services to the League.At the presentation dinner in 2001 he was presentedwith an inscribed silver tray. At the Annual General Meeting of the League on Wednesday, 22nd February, 2006, Mr. L.G. Cooke was made a life member of the League in recognition of his services to the League and was presented with a carriage clock. At the Annual General Meeting of the League on 23rd February 2011 Mr. J. Houldsworth was made a Life Member in recognition of his services to the League. At theAnnual General Meeting of the League on 29th February 2012, Mr.A. Hansonwas made a LifeMember in recognition of his services to the League.