Lancashire League Handbook 2014
29 Notwithstanding any other provisions in these Rules no Club shall engage any professional who, after official enquiry shall have been judged guilty by any organisation affiliated, directly or indirectly, to the Lancashire Cricket Board and/or the League Cricket Conference of such conduct as to have justified his expulsion or suspension from the said organisation or the imposition of any other penalty other than a caution and/or warning as to his future conduct until the period of such expulsion or suspension or any obligation imposed by any other punishment has been completed or fulfilled to the satisfaction of the said organisation and the Lancashire Cricket Board and/or League Cricket Conference. 1.2. Each Club shall enter into a written agreement of service or written agreement for services with a player engaged by it as a professional (hereinafter called “a ProfessionalAgreement.”) 1.3. Every Professional Agreement shall be submitted by 28th February before the start of the following season, or if signed later within 28 days of the signing thereof to the League Secretary. Knowledge of any part of theAgreement shall be confined to the Chairman and Secretary unless they decide that the interests of the League require that any part of the Agreement should be laid before the League Committee. 1.4. The total remuneration payable by a Club under any ProfessionalAgreement shall be expressed as a fixed and pre-determined sum payable to the professional and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing but for the avoidance of doubt unless it is contained in the ProfessionalAgreement no payment of any kind shall be paid to the professional (either by the Club or directly or indirectly by any third party including but not limited to third parties acting on behalf of the Club or on behalf of the player) byway of:- (a) any capital sum in consideration of his signing the Professional Agreement; (b) any bonus or other payment dependent upon results or performance of the Club; (c) any commission on attendance or admission payments to matches in which the Club (or anymember of the Club) is engaged or is in anyway involved in the production or organisation (either directly or indirectly) thereof; (d) any benefit or similarly organised event or series of events whether it or they be cricket matches or any other functionwhatsoever; (e) any similar or like payment or benefit in kind. 1.5. Every Professional Agreement shall incorporate clauses in the following terms or in terms certain to have the effect of the following clauses:- (a) The professional agrees to be bound by the Rules of the Lancashire Cricket League, a copy of which the professional hereby acknowledges he has received, and in particular to submit himself to the authority of the Lancashire League Committee in regard to his conduct, whether on or off the field of play, during the continuance of thisAgreement. (b) If for any reason the professional shall be forbidden by the Lancashire League Committee from playing in any match promoted and/or organised by the Lancashire Cricket League, this Agreement shall forthwith be
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