Lancashire League Handbook 2014
30 determined and the professional shall have no claim arising out of such termination whatsoever against the Club save in regard to any remuneration payable hereunder in respect of a period or periods preceding the determination. (c) The professional agrees to play for and represent the Club in every cricket match in which it is engaged during the season and which is promoted and/or organised by the Lancashire Cricket League subject to the provisions relating to sickness, injury or other causes contained in Rule C2.1. The professional further agrees that he will not at anytime during the season play in any cricket matches other than:- (i) matches organised by the Club; or (ii) matches approved by the Club in which he is with the consent of the Club engaged as a substitute professional subject always to such terms financial or otherwise as the Clubmay lay down; or (iii) matches approved by the Lancashire League Committee; and (iv) with the consent of the Club (and subject to such terms and conditions as it may determine) not more than eight other matches unless the prior approval of the Lancashire League Committee shall have been sought and obtained by the Club. (d) The sum of £x (being not less than 10% of the Professional's total remuneration) shall be retained by the Club and shall be paid to the Professional on the (x) day of 20(xx) (the last day of the season) subject to the terms having being completed to the satisfaction of the Club and the continued good conduct of the Professional throughout the Season. Such retention may be applied by the Club to pay any fine owed by the professional to the League. 1.6. Any Club which in the opinion of the League Secretary fails to comply with any of the requirements of this Rule shall be invited to explain the reason for the alleged breach at a meeting of the League Committee to be held not earlier than 21 days after the League Secretary shall have given written notice to the Club specifying the alleged breach of Rule. If a simple majority of the Clubs attending the meeting (excluding the Club whose conduct is in question) decide a breach of the Rule has occurred without good cause, the League Committee may impose such financial penalty upon the offending Club as it considers appropriate and/or may order any game played by that Club to be replayed and/or may order that all or any points earned by that Club in the League Championship shall be forfeit and/or awarded to some other Club. 2. (33) PROFESSIONAL'S ENGAGEMENTAND SUBSTITUTE 2.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule C1.5(c) a Club whose Professional is by reason of his illness, injury or other good cause unable to play for the Club in any match organised and/or promoted by the Lancashire League shall be entitled to engage a paid player as a substitute for its professional during the period of disability provided that the relevant Club shall give as much notice as is reasonably practicable to the League Secretary of the impending absence and the reason therefore. N. B. In the event of the Professional's illness or injury a
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