Lancashire League Handbook 2014
44 SECTION F - MATCH CONDITIONS 1. (7) M.C.C. LAWS 1.1. All matches must be played under the revised Laws of Cricket (2000 code) with such exceptions that 5 penalty runs are not taken except Law 41.2 and Law41.3 but the reporting procedures for penalty runs will continue. Law41.2 - Fielding the Ball Afielder may field the ball with any part of his person but if, while the ball is in play he wilfully fields it otherwise, (a) the ball shall become dead and 5 penalty runs shall be awarded to the batting side. (b) the umpire shall inform the other umpire, the captain of the fielding side, the batsmen and, as soon as practicable the captain of the batting side of what has occurred. (c) the umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible to the executive of the fielding side and any governing body responsible for the match who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the captain and player concerned. Law41.3 - Protective Helmets belonging to the fielding side. Protective helmets when not in use by fielders, shall only be placed, if above the surface, on the ground behind the wicket-keeper and in line with both sets of stumps. If a helmet belonging to the fielding side is on the ground within the field of play and the ball while in play strikes it, the ball shall become dead. 5 penalty runs shall then be awarded to the batting side. Law42.14 Batsman damaging the pitch (a) If either batsman causes avoidable damage to the pitch, at the first instance the umpire seeing the contravention shall, when the ball is dead, inform the other umpire of the occurrence. The bowler's end umpire shall then (i) warn both batsmen that the practice is unfair and indicate that this is a first and final warning. This warning shall apply throughout the innings. The umpire shall so inform each incoming batsman. (ii) inform the captain of the fielding side and, as soon as practicable, the captain of the batting side of what has occurred. (b) If there is any further instance of avoidable damage to the pitch by any batsman in that innings, the umpire seeing the contravention shall, when the ball is dead, inform the other umpire of the occurrence. The bowler's end umpire shall then (i) disallow all runs to the batting side from that delivery other than the penalty for a No ball or aWide, if applicable. (ii) additionally, award 5 penalty runs to the fielding side. (iii) return the batsmen to their original ends. (iv) inform the captain of the fielding side and, as soon as practicable, the captain of the batting side of what has occurred. (c) The umpires together shall report the occurrence as soon as possible after the match to the Executive of the batting side and to any
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