Lancashire League Handbook 2015

23 SECTION B CONSTITUTION 1. The League shall be called and registered as the “Lancashire Cricket League'' and shall consist of not more than 16 Clubs. In the event of any Club retiring from the League, or failing to secure re-election, as provided in Rule 4, such other Club may be elected as shall be decided on by a vote of the remaining League Clubs. The vote must show the support of three-fourths of those voting before any such Club may be admitted to the League or at least 10 Clubs in the event of the size of the League having been increased to 16. COMMITTEE AND MEETINGS 2a. The League shall be governed by a Committee consisting of a President (who shall be elected for a period of not more than four years and who shall at the end of that time stand down for a period of at least two years before becoming eligible for re-election to that office), a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Assistant Secretary, all of whom shall be elected for a period of one year and one Representative from each Club in the League; six to form a quorum. Retiring Officers shall be eligible for re-election without formal written nominations at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations from member Clubs for the appointment of Officers of the League shall be submitted to the League Secretary in writing not later than the 1st November. Such nominations shall be reported in writing to member Clubs by the League Secretary not later than the 30th November. If the appointed Representative of a Club is unable to attend any meeting, the Club or Representative shall be empowered to send a substitute for that meeting. The Committee shall meet on the last Wednesday in each month from January to November inclusive. Other meetings shall be called at the written request of no fewer than six clubs, accompanied by a payment (Category 1 Rule B5(e)) to cover the expense of such meeting, or at the discretion of the Chairman or Honorary Secretary. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Assistant Secretary. The duties of this Committee shall be the drafting of new rules, the arrangement of fixtures, the transaction of all business relating to insurance and Inland Revenue Taxation and any other business of an urgent nature. All communications from Clubs in regard to business covered by League Rules must be conducted by the Club's League Representative, Club Chairman or Club Secretary. In cases of appeal against the decisions of the Committee or of protests against results of matches, or in any disputedmatter, the Club or Clubs concernedmust be represented by the official Representative, except by consent of themeeting (to be obtained by ballot before the matter in question is dealt with). Such Representatives shall not be allowed to vote or be present whilst the Committee arrive at a decision. 2b. Any Club failing to be represented at any meeting of the League Committee shall be fined (Category 2 Rule B5(e)).