Lancashire League Handbook 2016

46 the greater number of games won, if still equal by the greater number of net bonus points received (net bonus points are classed as any batting or bowling bonus points achieved, less any points deducted during the season). If two or more Clubs cannot be separated by these calculations, then the League Executive will determine the final positions. 2.5. The Cups will remain in bank vaults until required for presentation. Once requested by the Secretary, Cups and photographs must be returned within seven days with cups duly engraved and thoroughly cleaned. Any club failing to comply with any aspect of this Rule shall be fined (Category 2 Rule B5(e)). In the event of Cups being returned in a damaged condition the Club responsible shall bear the full cost of the repairs. 2.6. The League Championship Flag and the 2nd XI Championship Flag shall be returned to the Secretary at the League Meeting in September and failure to do so shall attract a fine (Category 2 Rule B5(e)). 3. (10) MATCH RULES 3.1. All Senior and 2X1 League games shall commence at 1.00 pm (12.30 pm in September). The home Club shall be responsible for providing team sheets to be completed by each Captain highlighting any players under the age of 19 on 31st August in the previous year with their Dates of Birth and to be handed to the Umpires at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the game. 3.2. A game shall consist of 100 overs. Each side shall be entitled to receive a maximum of 50 overs. A declaration shall not be permitted. 3.2.1. One bowler shall be allowed to bowl a maximum of 17 overs. All other bowlers shall bowl a maximum of 14 overs. The number of overs shall not be reduced in rain affected matches. 3.2.2. In Second Eleven Matches, THE GAME - shall consist of 90 overs. Each side shall be entitled to receive a maximum of 45 overs. 3.3. When a game is delayed or interrupted by ground and/or weather conditions, overs shall be deducted as follows: i) If a start is delayed by weather conditions, one over shall be deducted from each side for every seven minutes lost during the first innings. ii) In a game which starts on time but is interrupted by weather or injury to or ill-health of any player, umpire or scorer, one over shall be deducted from each side for every seven minutes lost time during the first innings. iii) In the second innings if weather or injury to or ill-health of any player, umpire or scorer, interrupts play, one over shall be deducted for every three and a half minutes lost time during that innings. Provided that no such deduction shall be made until any time saved in the first innings has elapsed. n.b. time will be saved whenever the first innings ends before 4:35 pm (4:05pm in September). (In second team matches 4:00 or 3:30 in September) iv) No over shall be deducted for time lost for any reason other than weather or injuries to players and/or officials. The second innings