Lancashire League Handbook 2017

55 payment and/or benefit will be ineligible to play in the League and he and the Club for which he plays will be dealt with accordingly under the Rules. SECTION G UMPIRES AND SCORERS ETC 1. (18) APPOINTMENT OF UMPIRES 1.1. No Playing Member or any person qualifying under Rule D1 shall be allowed to Umpire. 1.2. A Sub - Committee, called the Umpires’ Sub Committee consisting of the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Assistant Secretary shall make the appointments for all matches and deal with all complaints as specified in Rule F3. NOTE: In the event of an Umpire being unable to fulfil an engagement a substitute will be arranged by the League Executive. In an emergency a Committee member or suitably qualified Club member must deputise. 2. (19) UMPIRES FEES AND CONDITIONS 2.1. Umpires’ Fees, conditions and payments shall be fixed by the Lancashire League Committee after discussion with the representatives of the Umpires’ Association. 2.2. Any Club making payments to Umpires in excess of the fees allowed shall be liable to a fine (Category 3 Rule B5(e)) for each offence. 2.3. Umpires fees should be paid before the game commences. 2.4. All Umpires must report to the Home Club Secretary or Deputy at least 45 minutes prior to the appointed time for play to begin. Umpires reported to the League for being late in any match will be fined (Category 2 Rule B5(e)). 2.5. Umpires failing to keep their appointments without giving a satisfactory reason will be fined (Category 2 Rule B5(e)). 3. (20) COMPLAINTS RE UMPIRES 3.1. Complaints against Umpires will only be considered when made in writing by any captain of an eleven in the League, or on behalf of the Committee of a League Club or by a member of the League Committee; and must be sent to the Secretary of the League. Such complaints must state full particulars. They will then be dealt with by the Umpire Sub-Committee, and will be treated by them as STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL except when accumulated complaints against an umpire render action necessary. Note for these purposes any “complaint” contained within a Captain’s report will not constitute a formal Complaint. 4. (17) SCORERS’ CAPTAINS’AND CLUBS’ DUTIES 4.1. The competing Clubs shall appoint their own scorers who shall each present their scorebooks to the Umpires at the close of play, to be signed. 4.2. Any club failing to provide a scorer shall be fined (Category 2 Rule B5(e)).