Lancashire League Handbook 2017

History of the League 5
Officers of the League 2017 7
Club League Representatives 8
Objects of the League 9
Club Directory 2017 10
Annual Report of the Hon. Secretary 16
Rules 25
(a) Senior League 25
(b) Second Eleven League 60
(c) Third Eleven League 61
(d) Senior League - Fosters Worsley Cup 65
(e) Second Eleven League Knock-out Competition 68
(f) Colne Cup Competition 69
(g) 20/20 Competition 70
Photograph of 2016 League Champions 79
Photograph of 2016 Worsley Cup Winners 80
Fixtures for 2017 84
Senior League 84
Second Eleven League 87
20/20 92
Third Eleven League 93
Umpires: 2016 Umpires Panel 95
Club Professionals 2017 98
Statistics 104
Season 2016 League Tables 104
Senior Batting Averages 105
Senior Bowling Averages 106
Senior Fielding Performances 108
Second Batting Averages 109
Second Bowling Averages 110
Third Batting Averages 110
Third Bowling Averages 111
Partnershiops 112
Senior League Champions 116
Senior League Runners-up (Holland Cup Holders) 121
Worsley Cup Winners 123
History of the Worsley Cup 125
Worsley Cup Runners-up 127
Second Eleven Champions 128
Second Eleven Runners-up 130
Second Eleven Know-out Cup Winners 130
Third Eleven Champions 131
Club Records 132
Club Professionals 1892 to date 135
Interesting Facts about the League 147
League Officials from the Inauguration 166