Lancashire League Handbook 2018

41 (7) Accumulated Bad Behaviour (as laid down in ECB guidelines) (a) Repeated infringements (3) of the Spirit of Cricket by an individual, where it is decided that each infringement in itself does not merit any immediate action, will result in a Disciplinary Hearing. (b) Repeated infringements by a team are likely to result in the captain being held responsible for the conduct of his team (whether or not individual players are also identified for disciplinary action) and being called before a Disciplinary Hearing. (c) The penalties available include suspension. When issuing the penalty, the Disciplinary Panel may take account of instances of poor team discipline in previous years, particularly where the on-the-field captain is the same and the previous record of any individual charged. (d) Captains should ensure they understand their responsibility for the on the field behaviour of themselves and their team members. Umpires will report the items listed in the Spirit of Cricket (6) to these guidelines. If the penalty is a suspension, this will normally take place immediately. Suspension - MINIMUM period of two games. (The ECB guideline for such an instance is four weeks which will be noted by the Disciplinary Panel in making a decision, having taken account of any suspension(s) imposed and served or currently in force or pending which have been imposed previously by the player’s Club. Note: Following two incidents being dealt with by a Club, a third incident regarding a player at that Club will automatically cause the Disciplinary Panel to be called. Warnings issued under this procedure will expire after 3 years of the incident. ADDITIONAL NOTES 1. Following an offence, the umpires will submit a written report under the terms of the Lancashire Cricket League Disciplinary Procedure. 2. Clubs are expected to convene an internal club enquiry within five days of the incident(s) or within five days of receiving notice from the League of a complaint, whichever may be the later. 3. Where a player becomes subject to a suspension, this will be games commenced by his Club. A game will only be classed as commenced once a ball has been bowled. (8) Social Media It shall be considered a disciplinary matter should any individual or Club be found to have posted items considered to be: INDECENT or GROSSLY OFFENSIVE or CONVEYING A THREAT or FALSE AND INTENDED TO CAUSE DISTRESS OR ANXIETY TO THE RECIPIENT