Lancashire League Handbook 2019
25 FINANCES 7. The funds of the League shall be dealt with by and through an account with some Banking Company in the name of the Lancashire League. All cheques shall be signed by any two of the Chairman, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer for the time being. CLUB BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS 8. Each Club shall keep books of accounts and a Minute Book in which shall be recorded the election of any new members of the Committee and the date of their election. The League Committee shall have power to call upon any Club or player to produce any books, letters, documents or other evidence which the League Committee may require in relation to the carrying out of the rules of the League. CLUBS TO SEND INANNUAL BALANCE SHEETAND REPORT, LIST OF AMATEUR PLAYERS, ETC. 9. Each Club must send to the League Secretary before the 31st January, the name and address of its Secretary: Each Club will confirm to the Hon Secretary, by 1st April each year, that the list of players registered on Play is correct in respect of players addresses (residence or place of business) and dates of birth for players under 23 years of age. No player will be permitted to play before receipt by the League Secretary of the duly completed form and all players must be registered on (Any new registrations to be accompanied by the official form duly completed and the appropriate nomination must posted on ): and as soon as is feasible - the name of its Professional and a copy of its Annual Report and Balance Sheet. Any Club failing to comply with this Rule will be fined (Category 2 Rule B5(e)). PAYMENT OF FINES 10. All fines imposed under these Rules are payable before the date of the next Meeting of the League. Fines which remain unpaid by the date specified in these Rules or by the Committee as the due date for payment shall be doubled and the revised fine shall be paid within a further period of 14 days, otherwise the matter shall be referred back to the Committee for its further decision. SECRETARY TO SUE 11. All money which shall become due to the League may be sued for in the name of the Secretary for the time being. POWER OF EXPULSION FROM MEMBERSHIP 12. A Club may be expelled from membership of the League for any reason by a vote of the remaining League Clubs. The vote must show the support of three-fourths of the said Clubs at a General or Special General Meeting summoned by circular issued not less than seven days before such meeting, such circular to state the name of the Club against which the motion for expulsion is directed. Any club so expelled shall be held to have forfeited all rights to participation in the assets of the League. The acceptance of
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