Lancashire League Handbook 2019

30 (b) any bonus or other payment dependent upon results or performance of the Club; (c) any commission on attendance or admission payments to matches in which the Club (or any member of the Club) is engaged or is in any way involved in the production or organisation (either directly or indirectly) thereof; (d) any benefit or similarly organised event or series of events whether it or they be cricket matches or any other function whatsoever; (e) any similar or like payment or benefit in kind. 1.5. Every ProfessionalAgreement shall incorporate clauses in the following terms or in terms certain to have the effect of the following clauses:- (a) The professional agrees to be bound by the Rules of the Lancashire Cricket League, a copy of which the professional hereby acknowledges he has received, and in particular to submit himself to the authority of the Lancashire League Committee in regard to his conduct, whether on or off the field of play, during the continuance of this Agreement. (b) If for any reason the professional shall be forbidden by the Lancashire League Committee from playing in any match promoted and/or organised by the Lancashire Cricket League, this Agreement shall forthwith be determined and the professional shall have no claim arising out of such termination whatsoever against the Club save in regard to any remuneration payable hereunder in respect of a period or periods preceding the determination. (c) The professional agrees to play for and represent the Club in every cricket match in which it is engaged during the season and which is promoted and/or organised by the Lancashire Cricket League subject to the provisions relating to sickness, injury or other causes contained in Rule C2.1. The professional further agrees that he will not at anytime during the season play in any cricket matches other than:- (i) matches organised by the Club; or (ii) matches approved by the Club in which he is with the consent of the Club engaged as a substitute professional subject always to such terms financial or otherwise as the Club may lay down; or (iii) matches approved by the Lancashire League Committee; and (iv) with the consent of the Club (and subject to such terms and conditions as it may determine) not more than eight other matches unless the prior approval of the Lancashire League Committee shall have been sought and obtained by the Club. (d) The sum of £x (being not less than 10% of the Professionals total remuneration) shall be retained by the Club and shall be paid to the Professional on the (x) day of 20 (xx) (the last day of the season) subject to the terms having being completed to the satisfaction of the Club and the continued good conduct of the Professional