Lancashire League Handbook 2019

31 throughout the Season. Such retention may be applied by the Club to pay any fine owed by the professional to the League. 1.6. Any Club which in the opinion of the League Secretary fails to comply with any of the requirements of this Rule shall be invited to explain the reason for the alleged breach at a meeting of the League Committee to be held not earlier than 21 days after the League Secretary shall have given written notice to the Club specifying the alleged breach of Rule. If a simple majority of the Clubs attending the meeting (excluding the Club whose conduct is in question) decide a breach of the Rule has occurred without good cause, the League Committee may impose such financial penalty upon the offending Club as it considers appropriate and/or may order any game played by that Club to be replayed and/ or may order that all or any points earned by that Club in the League Championship shall be forfeited and/or awarded to some other Club. 2. PROFESSIONALS ENGAGEMENT AND SUBSTITUTE 2.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Rule C1.5(c) a Club whose Professional is by reason of his illness, injury or other good cause unable to play for the Club in any match organised and/or promoted by the Lancashire League shall be entitled to engage a paid player as a substitute for its professional during the period of disability provided that the relevant Club shall give as much notice as is reasonably practicable to the League Secretary of the impending absence and the reason therefore. N. B. In the event of the Professionals illness or injury a Medical Certificate must be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary within seven days of such illness or injury occurring. If there should be any disagreement as to whether the Professional is so incapacitated the question shall be determined by a Medical Practitioner (whose fee shall be paid by the League) to be agreed upon by the Professional, his Club and League within 14 days from the date of which the disagreement arose or, in the absence of agreement, to be nominated by the President for the time being of the Lancashire Cricket Foundation. 2.2. The provisions of Rules C1.2 and C1.3 shall not apply to such engagement provided that within 14 days of the engagement of the substitute professional the Club shall in writing supply to the League Secretary details of the engagement and the reason therefore and confirmation that no payment was or is to be made to the substitute professional which conflicts with any of the provisions of Rule C1.4. 2.3. If any question arises as to whether a Club had good cause to engage a substitute Professional the matter shall be decided by the Lancashire League Committee at its next convenient meeting. For the avoidance of doubt a Club shall be deemed to have good cause to engage a substitute Professional if its contracted Professional is unable to perform his agreement by reason of having been required to represent his Country or his County (or the equivalent thereof), provided that the Club in question obtains and delivers to the League Secretary confirmation in writing from the appropriate Board of Control, County