Lancashire League Handbook 2019

36 relevant Club in any League game after the 31st July unless that player has previously played a senior match for the relevant Club in that season and prior to that date nor will he be eligible to play in Round 2 and subsequent rounds of any Cup competition organised by the League unless that player has previously played a senior League or Cup match for the relevant Club in that season. 6. AMATEUR BECOMING PROFESSIONAL 6.1. Any player registered as an amateur with a Club within the League who is engaged as or agrees to and/or plays as a Professional in any League shall immediately lose his qualification as an amateur but any player having signed a Professionals Agreement form in respect of a future season (other than a contract with a County as specified in Rule D5) shall be considered to have lost his amateur qualification from the beginning of the League Season in which he has agreed to commence his professional duties. 6.2. Any such former professional returning to the League as an amateur may only return to the Club holding his amateur registration but may make application to the League Committee for transfer to another Club for which he has an amateur qualification. 7. PROFESSIONAL BECOMING AMATEUR 7.1. Should any professional cricketer retire from professional cricket during or at the end of a season he shall only be eligible to play as an amateur in the Lancashire League in the following season or thereafter if he satisfies one of the following conditions: 1. He is a former amateur registered with the League and returning to the League as an amateur in accordance with Rule C.6 above, or: 2. He is over 35 years of age and possessed of a birth, residential or business qualification as required by Rule D.1.1. NOTE B. - This Rule shall not apply to a professional 35 years old or over. However, on commencing to play as an amateur, he must be possessed of the birth, residential or business qualification, as required by Rule D1.1. 8. AMATEUR REQUIRING TRANSFER 8.1. An Amateur may not be registered for more than one Club in the League at one time, and may not transfer his services to another League Club during the League playing Season. He must apply in writing to the League Secretary, enclosing receipt for the previous Season’s subscriptions, stating the Clubs concerned and the reason he desires the transfer. The League Secretary will then ascertain if his former Club objects, and if it consents the transfer shall be granted by him to become operative forthwith, but should it object, the ground of objection must be stated forthwith, and the Executive Committee shall have power to deal with the matter at once, or to leave it to the next League Meeting, when the applicant must attend if notified to do so. Players so transferred under this Rule cannot apply for a further transfer until a period of 3 years has elapsed since the date of approval of his