Lancashire League Handbook 2020

24 marking via an online form. LCB ACO defined that Umpires must officiate in 6 Division One games to attain a grading in 2019 and this will now be the required standard year on year. Another umpire has now been promoted to National Panel, County 2nd Eleven games etc. Paddy Brown joins myself, Naeem Ashraf, Ken Fergusson and Steve Beswick bringing our membership to five. The Lancashire League panel is one of the strongest in the county but we need more umpires so that we can provide two for every game. As an incentive to prospective new umpires we have agreed to pay the course fees for umpires who achieve accreditation and undertake 10 games within the league. Last year we had a new Trophy donated by our ex Treasurer, Umpire and Life Member Peter Hargreaves and this is for Umpires who achieve the best marks within Second Eleven matches. Last year it was won by Nick Cronshaw but the winner this year was another Rossendale based umpire, Garry Holder. Steve Beswick took the Wally Ashley Trophy again as runner up in the Umpire of the year awards. Duncan Warburton took the Harry Saul Trophy for Umpire of the year for the third year in a row and the ninth time. The League makes 3 awards based on marks by the Umpires. Best tea room, The Joe Collier award for the Club with the best sportsmanship and the Alick Ormerod Trophy for the most effective First Team captain award. Jack Bottomley our Assistant Secretary collates the marks, and again this is another greatly appreciated help to me. Thanks Jack and thanks for all your work on the fixtures. The tea room award with a mark of 98.18% went to Church Cricket Club. The Joe Collier award is decided by the marks awarded by Umpires at each match for the sportsmanship of each team and is based on a total of both First & Second Team Marks and for the second year running this was won by Nelson. The Alick Ormerod Trophy goes to the most effective first team captain who was Daniel Pickup of Burnley who scored 97.27%. As we look forward to 2020 and we search for further Clubs to bring us back to 24, or maybe more, we need to ensure that we continue to observe the Objects of the League, as listed in the handbook, We all need to remember to adhere to the Spirit of the game, remember it is a game and give due respect to opponents, officials and everyone else involved in the game. If we do it will ensure that this great League maintains its position as one of the most respected in the cricket world. I submit my report for inclusion in the handbook.