Lancashire League Handbook 2020

35 for the time being of the Lancashire Cricket Foundation. 2.2. The provisions of Rules C1.2 and C1.3 shall not apply to such engagement provided that within 14 days of the engagement of the substitute professional the Club shall in writing supply to the League Secretary details of the engagement and the reason therefore and confirmation that no payment was or is to be made to the substitute professional which conflicts with any of the provisions of Rule C1.4. 2.3. If any question arises as to whether a Club had good cause to engage a substitute Professional the matter shall be decided by the Lancashire League Committee at its next convenient meeting. For the avoidance of doubt a Club shall be deemed to have good cause to engage a substitute Professional if its contracted Professional is unable to perform his agreement by reason of having been required to represent his Country or his County (or the equivalent thereof), provided that the Club in question obtains and delivers to the League Secretary confirmation in writing from the appropriate Board of Control, County Board (or other like Authority), that the Professional was so required to represent his Country and/or County (or equivalent) and that as a result of such requirement the Professional would be unable to perform his agreement. For the purposes of clarification it should be noted that release of a professional from his contractual agreement only relates to a professional coming from overseas who is recalled by his Country or County (or equivalent) within his own Country and will not permit the release of any professional to enable him to play for any County or Minor County within the United Kingdom. 2.4. In the event of the League Committee determining that a Club did not have good cause to engage a substitute professional the Club shall be answerable in accordance with Rule C1.6. 2.5. A player who is engaged as a substitute professional may only play against any other particular Club in league matches on 2 occasions during the course of a season. 3. No Lancashire League professional shall act as substitute under the foregoing rule. 4. RE-ENGAGEMENT AND APPROACHING OF PROFESSIONALS 4.1. No League Club Professional shall be engaged (or be approached with a view to engagement) by another League Club for the following season until after the League meeting in July each year, on and after which date any Club may approach and engage any professional subject to the following conditions: (a) At the said League meeting in July each club must inform the League Committee of its intentions with regard to its current Professional confirming in particular: Whether or not it wishes to retain the services of its current Professional and, if so, whether or not a written offer of re-engagement has been made to