Lancashire League Handbook 2020

36 that Professional and, if so, on what date and whether such offer is for a term of at least one year and at a remuneration of not less than the Professional is currently receiving. (b) In the event of a Professional having received such an offer declining to remain with his current Club and engaging with another League Club, the Club so engaging him shall pay such sum specified at the previous AGM under Rule B5(e)(iii) to the Club the Professional is leaving. 5. PROFESSIONALS MISCONDUCT 5.1. Any Club may without prejudice to any other action right or remedy it may enjoy refer to a meeting of the League Committee any alleged breach of a Professional Agreement to which it is or was party. Such references shall bemade inwriting addressed to the League Secretary and a copy thereof shall be sent to the Professional alleged to have breached the Agreement. The Club shall advise the Professional of his right to submit written representations to the League Committee regarding the alleged breach and/or to attend at a League Committee meeting (either personally or in his absence by his accredited representative). The League Committee shall consider any representations made to it and, in the absence of the representative of the Club referring the alleged breach and of the Professional or his representative, it shall decide whether the allegation is well-founded. If the League Committee shall so determine it may order that no Club shall engage as a Professional the Professional found to have breached his Agreement for such period as the League Committee considers reasonable. 5.2. If in the opinion of a majority of the Clubs attending a League Committee meeting a Professional shall be guilty of any conduct or behaviour (either on or off the field of play) likely to injure the reputation of the Lancashire Cricket League the Professional shall be invited to attend at the next convenient meeting of the League Committee to answer the allegations made. Such invitation shall be sent in writing to the Professional and shall specify the complaint made and shall advise the Professional of his right to submit written replies to the allegations in addition to his right to attend before the League Committee. A copy of any communication to the Professional shall be delivered to the Representative of the Club whose Professional he is. 5.3. If having considered all matters canvassed in regard to the matter a majority of Clubs attending the meeting decide that the allegation is well founded the League Committee may impose upon the Professional such financial penalty as it shall consider reasonable in all the circumstances or, if at least two thirds of the Clubs constituting the League so determine, the League Committee may debar the professional from taking any part in any match promoted and/ or organised by it for such period as it may stipulate.