Lancashire League Handbook 2021
68 when actual play commences. 10. The net receipts from all matches, except the Semi-Finals and Final ties, shall be divided equally between the two Competing Clubs . The net receipts in Semi-Final and Final ties shall be divided between the League and the two Clubs concerned in the proportion of one third to the League and one third to each of the two Clubs concerned. Balance sheets of all the matches must be sent by the Home Club Secretary to the League Treasurer and to the away club’s Treasurer within fourteen days. The Home club will send a cheque (or cheques) to the opponent (and to the League when appropriate) within 7 days from the Hon. Treasurer’s approval of the Balance Sheet . The League Executive shall fix for each Season a fixed allowance which the Home Club may deduct as expenses before dividing the net proceeds. Failure to adhere to this Rule will attract a fine of (Category 2 (Rule 5)(5)(v)) payable as per League Rule 10. 11. In all Senior League K.O. Cup matches, where a professional is absent under the conditions of League Rule C3, that rule shall apply, but in the case of absence from any other cause a substitute must be approved by the League Executive Committee. The cost of the substitute shall not be charged as part of the expenses of the match. 12. Covering and Rolling of Pitches. Senior League Rule 5 shall apply. 13. Bad Weather - In case of bad weather, the Captains shall decide as to the fitness of the ground for the commencement of a match. In the event of their disagreement, a majority of the Captains and Umpires shall decide. In the absence of a majority, play shall not commence. When a match has been commenced and then stopped by rain, the question of resumption of play shall be decided by the Umpires only. During the match, the Umpires shall be in complete control, deciding all questions relating to the fitness of the ground, weather and light for play, without the need for consultation with any other party. 14. The Worsley Cup and Junior Cup Man of the Match Cup shall be returned to the Hon. Secretary on or before the July meeting of the League Committee duly engraved and thoroughly cleaned. Any Club failing to comply with this rule shall be fined (Category 2 (Rule 5) (5)(v)) for each cup. In the event of a cup being returned in a damaged condition the club responsible shall bear the full cost of any repairs. 15. No player falling within League rules section D rule 5, will be eligible to play in Round 2 and subsequent rounds unless they have already played for the relevant club that season in a league or cup match.
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