Lancashire League Handbook 2021
69 JW LEES SECOND ELEVEN KNOCK-OUT COMPETITION 1. CONSTITUTION - All clubs in the League shall participate in this Knock out competition. The draw for each round shall be made by the League Executive Committee. The last two clubs to be drawn in the first round shall have a bye and, together with the winners of the first round, shall be drawn for Second Round matches. 2. MANAGEMENT - The Management of the competition shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee, who are given full powers including the appointment of a referee or referees to attend each match and whose decision on any disputed point must be accepted as final by the clubs concerned. 3. PLAYERS QUALIFICATION - No player shall play in the competition for more than one club in any one season. The qualification of players and general conditions shall be those specified in the League rules, with the exception mentioned herein, or such as may be directed by the Committee. When a Senior League team is engaged in a match on the same date that its second XI is playing a Knock out competition match, any player shall be eligible for either team. If a Second Eleven League Knock-Out match is played when the Senior League team has no match, a player shall not be eligible to play in the Second Eleven Knock-Out team if he has played in more than two games with the Senior League team in the preceding 28 days, or if more than 4 senior League Matches are played in that period, more than three games. If 7 or more Senior League Matches are played in the preceding 28 days, the player shall not be eligible in the Second Eleven knock-out team if he has played in more than four Senior League games within that period. For the sake of clarification in this Rule, a player who is selected for the Senior League team in a game which does not commence shall not be deemed to have played. As the competition approaches its close, the clubs concerned should, as a matter of honour, continue to play their usual Junior players, and the introduction of senior players for the purpose of winning the competition may lead to the disqualification of the Club concerned. 4. THE COMPETITION - shall be played in accordance with the Rules relating to the Senior League Worsley Cup Competition save as hereinafter provided. 5. NO PROFESSIONAL - No Professional shall be allowed to play in any Second X1 Cup Match. 6. BALL - The ball to be used in each innings shall be provided by the fielding side. 7. FINANCE - Any surplus or deficit in semi-finals and final, after meeting all expenses, shall be shared equally between the two clubs. However, if the home club has not taken a gate and made an admission charge, it shall not be entitled
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