Lancashire League Handbook 2022

37 to the allegations in addition to his right to attend before the League Committee. A copy of any communication to the Professional shall be delivered to the Representative of the Club whose Professional he is. 5.3. If having considered all matters canvassed in regard to the matter a majority of Clubs attending the meeting decide that the allegation is well founded the League Committee may impose upon the Professional such financial penalty as it shall consider reasonable in all the circumstances or, if at least two thirds of the Clubs constituting the League so determine, the League Committee may debar the professional from taking any part in any match promoted and/ or organised by it for such period as it may stipulate. PROFESSIONAL BECOMING AMATEUR (See SECTION D RULE 7) SECTION D - AMATEURS 1. AMATEUR QUALIFICATION 1.1. An amateur player in the League must possess at least one of the following qualifications: a. BIRTH. i.e. The deciding factor shall be the main residence of the Parents at the time of birth, in the opinion of the League Executive, within the area covered by the League or having passed the whole of his youth from 14 to 21 years of age therein. b. RESIDENCE. i.e. Actual bona-fide residence in the area covered by the League for not less than 12 months immediately preceding date of registration. This qualification when once acquired shall hold good in the case of a player who, after a period of absence, returns to resume residence in the area covered by the League and decides to resume playing connection with the Club he last played for. A player who has possessed a residential qualification for at least ten years, and who loses that qualification by removal to a new residence within a reasonable distance from his old Club, may apply to the League Committee for permission to continue to play with that Club. This permission shall only be granted to a player prepared to play regularly throughout the season, and the League Secretary must keep a register of all such permissions and produce same for continuance or withdrawal at each Annual Meeting of the League. c. BUSINESS. i.e. Having had a bona-fide place of business within the area covered by the League for at least 12 months, immediately preceding date of registration or having had full time permanent employment within the area covered by the League for the same period, residence elsewhere being permitted in both cases. The player to lose his qualification if the business closes down or employment ceases. d. A player shall also be qualified if he has spent two whole seasons, between the ages of 13 and 16, playing for a Junior team of the Club for which he desires to register. The expression “the area covered by the League” is defined as that area within a 10 mile radius of the outermost Clubs which may constitute the