Lancashire League Handbook 2022

41 Players so transferred under this Rule cannot apply for a further transfer until a period of 2 years has elapsed since the date of approval of his previous transfer. Any player may appeal to a meeting of the League Committee to waive or amend that period. The 2 year requirement shall be overridden if, the player in question is returning to the club which is considered to be his home club and was a junior at the club for 2 seasons or more and played senior cricket at that club for 2 seasons or more (for which purpose 3XI cricket will be considered senior cricket). In disputed matters, the League Committee will decide whether the club was the player’s home club. 8.2. Any amateur player in the League who is duly registered in accordance with these Rules who plays for another Cricket Club with a Professional in a senior weekend Cricket League shall lose his eligibility to play in any further League Match for that Season or remaining part thereof and he will be considered ineligible under Rule C9. This Rule is not intended to prevent an amateur player duly registered and returning from full time education being eligible to play for his Club. A student living away from home will be entitled to play for a club near to his educational establishment during term time and then for his home club when he returns home after the end of the term but if such player returns home for the weekend in term time he will not be allowed to play for his home club at that time. In case of doubt in interpretation or application of this Rule the League Executive shall decide and its decision will be final. A player wishing to avail himself of this rule must obtain permission from the LMC/Exec prior to the start of each season. 8.3. Providing that he has no outstanding obligation to his existing Club a Player shall be a free agent between September the 30th and such date as he plays his first League game for a Club during the following season but outside of that period:- (i) No Club (whether through its officials, members or any other person or persons on its behalf) shall approach or negotiate with any Player or any other Club affiliated to, whether directly or indirectly, the Lancashire Cricket Foundation and/or the League Cricket Conference for the purpose of securing his services without first obtaining in writing the permission of the Player’s Club. Such permission shall be requested in writing at least 21 days before any approach is made or negotiations commenced. (ii) No Player (whether personally or through any other person or persons on his behalf) shall approach or negotiate with any Club affiliated to, whether directly or indirectly, the Lancashire Cricket Foundation and/or the League Cricket Conference for the purpose of securing his services without first obtaining in writing his Club’s permission to do so. Such permission shall be requested in writing at least 21 days before any approach is made or negotiations commenced. (iii) Any Club requested by another Club and/or one of its Players to