Lancashire League Handbook 2022

47 5.2 Where a charge against a player is referred to a disciplinary hearing, his captain and Club may be charged separately under their responsibilities as set out in the Code of Conduct above. 5.3 At least seven days notice in writing of the hearing shall be given to the player via his Club Secretary. In the case of a Club, it’s Secretary shall be so notified. The notice shall specify the alleged breach (es) of the Code of Conduct above. 5.4 The accused player or Club shall be entitled: To submit written statements ahead of the hearing To attend the hearing To state his case (in the case of a Club, by its Secretary or other official) To be supported by a colleague and to call witnesses 5.5 If the player or Club is to have representation present at the hearing them the details of that representation must be given to the Discipline Chairman not less than 48 hours before the date of the hearing. 5.6 The Hearing shall be conducted by a Disciplinary Panel appointed by the Discipline Chairman and shall consist of not fewer than three persons and not more than five persons drawn from a list approved by the League’s Management Committee. None of the Panel should be connected with the player, Club or their opponents at the time of the alleged breach, or a Club which might directly benefit from any disciplinary action. The Disciplinary Panel may be assisted by the League’s Honorary Solicitor. 5.7 A Club or player involved in disciplinary proceedings will be solely responsible for meeting such costs or expenses as it or they may incur, including the cost of any legal or other representation. 5.8 The standard of proof shall be on the balance of probabilities rather than the criminal standard of beyond reasonable doubt. 6. PENALTIES 6.1 As a guideline, the following penalties should be expected to be imposed for any complaint referred and, if appropriate, proved at a disciplinary hearing: – Level 1 2 to 6 matches Level 2 3 to 8 matches Level 3 4 to 10 matches Level 4 A minimum of 10 matches played under the auspices of the ECB. 6.2 Where applicable, penalties will be carried over to apply in the following season. 6.3 Where the complaint is not referred to Disciplinary Hearing, repeated infringements, listed on umpires’ reports, by an individual player or by a Club may still result in additional penalties as laid out in 6.4 below. 6.4 If at a hearing a breach of the Code of Conduct is proved, the Disciplinary Panel shall have the power to impose one or more of the following penalties, together with such order as to costs as it deems appropriate: In the case of a player: –