Lancashire League Handbook 2022

48 To require the player to submit appropriate letter(s) of apology within a specified time To record a reprimand and give a warning as to future conduct To impose a fine, not to exceed £500 To suspend the player for one or more matches, or for a stated period of time To deduct League points from the player’s team To expel the player from the League In the case of a Club: – To require the Club to submit appropriate letter(s) of apology within a specified time To record a reprimand and to give a warning as to future conduct To impose a fine To deduct League points from the Club’s team To expel the Club from any competition of the League To relegate to any lower division of the League or to a “linked” league. 6.5 Panels will take the following factors into account when determining the penalties to be imposed: a. If the accused player/Club has pleaded guilty b. The player’s previous disciplinary record c. If the player is also the captain d. The conduct of the player subsequent to him being warned and told that he will be reported e. If an appeal is considered to be spurious 6.6 In addition, where an individual behaves inappropriately or fails to respect the formality at any level during a Disciplinary Hearing, the Disciplinary Panel assumes the right to impose further corrective actions or penalties as it sees fit. 6.6.1 Where a representative and/or witness (es) behaves inappropriately or fails to respect the formality at any level during a Disciplinary Hearing this can be dealt with under the Code by having a separate hearing. 6.7 The Disciplinary Panel shall have the power to suspend the operation of any part, or all, of the penalty it imposes for such period and subject to such terms and conditions it deems appropriate. 6.8 Decisions of the Disciplinary Panel (a finding that complaint is proved or not proved or a decision on penalty) shall be by majority vote; where necessary the Disciplinary Panel Chairman shall have a casting vote. 6.9 The League shall report match bans in writing to the relevant Club’s County Board for national circulation. Players should understand that match bans will normally apply to all cricket played under the auspices of ECB. The ECB Premier Leagues will also recognise suspensions from other Leagues. 7. APPEALS 7.1 Appeals shall only be allowed against an automatic ban instigated for a Level 1 or 2 offence on the grounds of mistaken identity,