Lancashire League Handbook 2023

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2023 09 DISCIPLINARY PROCESS 16. Following receipt of a Referral, a Disciplinary Officer must consider whether there is sufficient information and/or grounds to charge the relevant Participant, Club or League with a breach of these Regulations. If further information is required, the Disciplinary Officer shall conduct any further investigation that is necessary. 17. If there is sufficient information and/or grounds, the Disciplinary Officer will issue a Charge Letter to the Respondent or the Participant’s Club to share with the Participant. If there is not, the Disciplinary Officer will inform the individual who submitted the Referral that no further action will be taken. 18. If the Disciplinary Officer decides that the matter does not require a Hearing, the Disciplinary Officer may refer the matter to be considered under the Summary Procedure and the process in Regulations 19-25 shall apply. If the Disciplinary Officer decides that the matter does require a Hearing, the process in Regulations 26-35 shall apply. See Appendix 4, guidance notes 7, 8 and D for further information. SUMMARY PROCEDURE 19. The Disciplinary Officer must provide the Charge Letter to the Adjudicator. If the Adjudicator considers that the matter is not appropriate for the Summary Procedure, the Adjudicator can refer the matter for a Hearing, in which case the process in Regulations 26-35 shall apply but the Adjudicator will not form part of the Disciplinary Panel. 20. The Disciplinary Officer must then confirm to the Respondent (either in the Charge Letter or separately) the identity of the Adjudicator. 21. If the Respondent objects to the Adjudicator on the basis of a conflict of interest, the Disciplinary Officer must consider whether to appoint an alternative Adjudicator to consider the conflict of interest and/or as the Adjudicator in relation to the case. 22. The Adjudicator will set the Respondent a reasonable timeframe to respond to the Charge Letter in writing, if they wish to, and provide any further information which may be relevant. 23. The Adjudicator will consider the charge and determine whether, on the balance of probabilities, there has been a breach of these Regulations. 24. If the Adjudicator decides that there has been a breach of these Regulations, they will impose a sanction in accordance with the sanction guidelines which appear in Appendix 3. 25. The Adjudicator’s decision will be communicated to the Respondent (and, where the Respondent is a Participant, the Participant’s Club) in writing.