Lancashire League Handbook 2023

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2023 10 HEARING 26. The Disciplinary Officer will appoint a Disciplinary Panel Chair and a Disciplinary Panel and arrange a Hearing. The Disciplinary Officer will confirm to the Respondent (either in the Charge Letter or separately) the identity of the Disciplinary Panel members, where and when the Hearing shall take place and, if the Hearing will take place virtually rather than in person, by what means. If the Respondent is unable to attend a Hearing at that date or time, the Disciplinary Officer will attempt to reschedule the Hearing. 27. In appropriate circumstances, including if the Respondent is not contesting the charge or does not wish to attend a Hearing, the Disciplinary Panel Chair may direct that the charge be considered by the Disciplinary Panel by way of written submissions only (i.e. without a Hearing) provided that a Hearing must be arranged if this is requested by the Respondent. 28. If the Respondent objects to any member of the Disciplinary Panel on the basis of a conflict of interest, it will be resolved by the Disciplinary Panel Chair unless the potential conflict has been raised in respect of the Disciplinary Panel Chair in which case the Disciplinary Officer will consider whether to appoint an alternative Disciplinary Panel Chair to consider the conflict of interest and/or be appointed to the Disciplinary Panel. 29. The Disciplinary Panel Chair will set the Respondent a reasonable timeframe to respond to the Charge Letter in writing and set any other directions for the exchange of information and/or evidence (which may include witness statements) that the Disciplinary Panel Chair considers appropriate. See Appendix 4, guidance notes 9, 16 and E for further information. 30. In exceptional circumstances, the Disciplinary Panel Chair may suspend a Participant from participating in cricket until the Hearing has concluded. If so, the Adjudicator or Disciplinary Panel Chair will give the Participant the opportunity to give written submissions on why it would not be appropriate to suspend the Participant and consider those submissions before making any decision. Any suspension which has been ordered by the Disciplinary Panel Chair (or otherwise issued) will be taken into account by the Adjudicator or Disciplinary Panel when considering what sanctions to impose in accordance with Regulation 24 or 33. See Appendix 4, guidance notes I for further information. 31. At the outset of any Hearing, the Disciplinary Panel Chair will confirm how the Disciplinary Panel would like the Hearing to proceed, and in particular how the case should be presented (and by whom). The Respondent will be entitled to provide oral submissions at the Hearing if they wish to do so. See Appendix 4, guidance notes 9, 16 and F for further information.