Lancashire League Handbook 2023

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2023 13 43. Unless the appeal is brought under Regulation (c), the Appellant has no right to a complete rehearing of the case and the Appeal Panel will instead consider whether the grounds of appeal have been made out. If an appeal is brought under Regulation (c), if the Appeal Panel determines that the fresh evidence is admissible the Appeal Panel shall re-hear the case in full. 44. At the outset of the Appeal Hearing, the Appeal Panel Chair will confirm how the Appeal Panel would like the Appeal Hearing to proceed, and in particular how the case should be presented (and by whom). The parties will be entitled to provide oral submissions at the Hearing if they wish to do so. See Appendix 4, guidance notes 16 and J for further information. 45. At the end of the Appeal Hearing, the Appeal Panel will consider the Appeal (in private) and determine whether, on the balance of probabilities, the Appeal should be allowed (in whole or in part). Any decision of the Appeal Panel will be taken by majority vote, with the Appeal Panel Chair having a casting vote in the event of a tie. See Appendix 4, guidance note 10 for further information. 46. If the Appeal is allowed (in whole or in part), the Appeal Panel may disapply the sanction imposed by the Adjudicator or Disciplinary Panel or issue a new sanction in accordance with the sanctions guidelines in Appendix 3. If the Appeal is dismissed, the sanction imposed by the Adjudicator or Disciplinary Panel will remain in place. 47. The Appeal Panel Chair will decide whether to make a costs order and whether the appeal fee will be refunded to the Appellant in the event of a successful appeal. Any costs ordered by the Appeal Panel will be limited to £250 (which shall be paid on top of the appeal fee referred to in Regulation 36). See Appendix 4, guidance notes 11 and K for further information. 48. Wherever possible, the Appeal Panel Chair will communicate the decision and any sanction to the parties verbally at the end of the Hearing. The Appeal Panel’s decision will also be confirmed to the parties (and, where a Participant is a party to the Appeal, the Participant’s Club) in writing following the Hearing. Where the Appeals Body is a League, decisions of the Appeal Panel must also be provided to the Disciplinary Officer of the relevant County Cricket Board to which the League is affiliated. See Appendix 4, guidance note 12 for further information. 49. Any decision of an Appeal Panel is final and binding and there is no further right of appeal.