Lancashire League Handbook 2023
GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2023 PRIVACY NOTICE Recreational Cricket [INSERT NAME OF CRICKET ORGANISATION] This privacy notice explains how your personal data will be used and protected and your legal rights in respect of it. [More information about this and details of how to exercise your rights can be found in our privacy policy at [state URL or other place at where this can be obtained] [SEE GUIDANCE NOTE GN1] ABOUT US [SEE GUIDANCE NOTE GN2] [insert full legal name of cricket organisation] (‘ us ’ or ‘ we ’ or ‘ our ’) is [explain what your organisation does in respect of cricket]. We are the data controller for the purposes of data protection law and can be contacted as follows: MAIL [insert address] EMAIL [insert email address] PHONE [insert phone number] WEBSITE [insert URL] THE PERSONAL DATA WE PROCESS [SEE GUIDANCE NOTE GN3] We may process the following categories of personal data: • [insert details] • [insert details] WHERE WE GET YOUR PERSONAL DATA FROM [SEE GUIDANCE NOTE GN4] • [insert details] • [insert details] AUTOMATED DECISIONS ABOUT YOU [SEE GUIDANCE NOTE GN5] [We do not normally make any solely automated decisions about you] [We may make the following automated decisions about you:] • [insert details] • [insert details]
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