Lancashire League Handbook 2023
GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2023 GUIDANCE NOTES General considerations and the law The requirement for a privacy notice comes from Articles 13 and 14 of the UK GDPR. These Articles set out very specific information that you have to provide when you obtain personal data about an individual whether from the individual themselves or from somebody else. You also need to consider: • the Data Protection Act 2018 which sets out variations to the UK GDPR; and • the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations which deal with things like cookies and getting consent for direct marketing. GN1 [INTRODUCTION] If you have a privacy policy (for example on your website) that provides more general information that may be relevant, you could include a link to it from the privacy notice. If you do not want to do this, delete the wording in yellow highlighting. When making your decision on this - it is important you check whether your privacy policy is consistent with the privacy notice you are preparing. If it is not, you will need to either change your privacy policy or do not link to it form the privacy notice. GN2 [ABOUT US] It is important that you specify the full legal entity name of your organisation. This is used by individuals to check the official Register of Fee Payers maintained by the Information Commissioner. It is helpful to provide a short description of what your cricket organisation does for example, explaining that yours is a local cricket club based in Cheshire. GN3 [THE PERSONAL DATA WE PROCESS] You will need to set out details of the categories of personal data you get about the individual. Examples include: • Name (and any ‘known as’ name) • Contact details (eg address, telephone number(s), email address(es)) • Club, team, County Cricket Board, League or other cricket organisation (as applicable) • Role at club, team, County Cricket Board, League or other cricket organisation (if applicable) • Age or date of birth • Gender • Nationality, ethnicity and other equity and inclusion questions (if applicable) • Cricket skills and experience (if applicable) • Fitness and condition (if applicable) • Details of injuries (if applicable) • Eligibility to play or participate (if applicable) • Social media posts • Each club / team / competition played for (if applicable) • Match and training dates attended (if applicable)
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