Lancashire League Handbook 2023

32 any date on which a match is being played elsewhere for the purpose of a Lancashire League Knock-Out Competition or a Lancashire League match. An exception to this Rule shall be the playing of the Club’s Junior Matches. CLUB BREAKING ENGAGEMENT 17.1. Any Club refusing or failing to fulfil its engagements for whatever reason shall be fined (Category 3 (Rule B5(e)) in respect of each offence and may be ordered to pay to the opposing Club in each case such compensation as may be thought appropriate by the League Committee under Rule 3. 17.2. In the event of any team playing with fewer than 11 men the League Committee shall have power to deal with the offending Club by way of being fined [Category 2 Rule 5(e)(v)] and with the absentee players by way of suspension or any other method they may deem advisable. LANCASHIRE LEAGUE MATCHES NOT SANCTIONED. REPRESENTATIVE MATCHES 18. No match in which a side is represented as an eleven of the Lancashire League shall be played unless arranged or sanctioned by the League Committee. Any player taking part in an unauthorised match of this kind shall be suspended for such period as the League Committee shall decide. PROTESTS 19. The League Committee shall have power to adjudicate in all disputed matters in the competition or in the affairs of the League and its decision shall be final. Any Club protesting against another Club must, within seven days of the alleged offence, lodge its protest, accompanied by a payment (Category 1 Rule B5(e)) and must also enclose at the same time a duplicate copy of the protest, which the League Secretary must immediately send to the Club protested against. Unless the above mentioned deposit be made the protest will not be entertained. The Club failing to sustain its protest shall forfeit its deposit to the League fund. ADMISSION CHARGES TO MATCHES 20. There must be a fixed charge for admission to all grounds on match days in the Senior Division of the League the Worsley Cup and in the final of the Junior Cup. This means that when Worsley Cup games go into evenings a charge may be made agreed by both Clubs, not exceeding half the admission fee, providing that no fewer than 30 overs remain. Such charge shall be decided upon at the Annual Meeting for each successive season. The charges for admission for the current season will be: League matches £4.00 per person, £2.00 for Senior Citizens and Juniors (Charges include VAT). Worsley Cup matches £5.00 per person £2.50 for Senior Citizens and Juniors (Charges include VAT). Junior Cup Final ( and semi final if a charge is made ) £3.00 per person