Lancashire League Handbook 2023

53 3. Any suspension imposed upon a player will only be served when the player misses a game commenced by his Club. A game will only be classed as commenced once a ball has been bowled. SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY The Lancashire Cricket League fully understands and acknowledges anymember club’s player’s or official’s right to pass reasonable and considered comment on a specific match or on the sport in general. The League does, however, expect all such social media postings to be constructive and relevant given the potentially unrestricted audience of such sites as Facebook and Twitter. The following conditions apply to any social media posting which relates either directly or indirectly to the Lancashire Cricket League. These conditions also apply to any posting that might reasonably be regarded as reflecting on the League in any way. No social media posting may be made by a member club’s player or official which: 1. Contains any threatening, abusive, insulting or indecent language. 2. Discriminates on any grounds of race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, faith, sexual orientation, social class or disability. 3. Is detrimental to the interests of The Lancashire Cricket League or to the game of cricket in general, or which brings The Lancashire Cricket League or the game of cricket into disrepute. 4. The individual could reasonably be expected to know would implicate a third party in any disciplinary or legal hearings. This may include, but is not restricted to, the copying and redistribution of any third party social media posting. 5. The individual might reasonably be expected to know would undermine the unity of a team, and or, the standing of the Lancashire Cricket League in general. 6. Discloses any matter which is confidential to the Lancashire Cricket League. All players and officials are reminded that while an individual’s opinions may not represent those of the Lancashire Cricket League, they can very easily reflect on the League. As such, all member club’s players and officials are expected to consider the League’s values as well as it’s long and proud history in any social media postings that they choose to make. Any member club’s players or officials failing to adhere to this code of conduct will face disciplinary measures and may be suspended or banned from playing in the League or attending Lancashire League matches. Given the potentially severe sanctions following any breach of the code of conduct, players and officials should keep all login details and passwords secure.