Lancashire League Handbook 2023

61 questions relating to the fitness of the ground, weather and light for play without the need for consultation with any other party. 4.4 Prior to the 2023 season All Senior League Division 1 Clubs must have a minimum of two sight screens at each end of the ground or a single sight screen equivalent to the same width as two. 5. COVERING AND ROLLING PITCHES 5.1. Wickets may be protected against wet weather before a match at the home Club’s discretion by covering the whole or both ends. Covers must not be used at one end only and, when used only at the ends, each end must be covered on a similar area in relation to the position of each wicket. After the match has commenced, if play is interrupted by weather, the home Club will be responsible for covering (and uncovering) the whole wicket if possible at the direction of the Umpires. 5.2. Before the Match the pitch may be rolled at the request of the batting captain - such rolling to be completed no later than 5 minutes before play is due to commence and such rolling not to exceed 7 minutes. 5.3. Rolling the wicket between the innings in League matches must not exceed 7 minutes (or less at the option of the captain of the side about to bat). 5.4. Watering of Wicket. Under no circumstances shall the pitch be watered after 9 p.m. on the day but one previous to the match being played. 5.5. Any infringement of these regulations shall be deemed an offence punishable by a fine (Category 3 (Rule B5(e)) and any additional penalty the League Committee may determine. 6. LATE START, FINES etc. 6.1. If either Club is not ready to commence play at the time appointed in Rule F3.1 or commits any breach of that Rule or Rule F4, such Club must be reported to the League Secretary by the Captains and Umpires. At a subsequent meeting the League Committee will decide what penalty, if any, shall be imposed (Category 3 Rule B5(e)). 7. MISCELLANEOUS 7.1. No player shall play for more than one of his Club’s teams on the same day other than as a substitute fielder. For the purpose of this Rule a player shall be deemed to have played in a match once the first ball has been bowled notwithstanding that he may not have batted or bowled. 7.2. An incoming batsman must pass the outgoing batsman on the field of play. Umpires shall report any defaulting player in this respect or one who wastes time unduly on the field of play. 7.3. A fieldsman shall not be allowed to leave or return to the field of play without the consent of the umpires and then can return only at the end of an over or at the fall of a wicket. The field of play shall mean that part of the field within the boundary.