Lancashire League Handbook 2023

65 8. After a stoppage the umpires will instruct the scorers at an appropriate time. 9. See Rule F3.13 regarding interpretation of a wide ball. The 17inch lines are to assist umpires in judging an off side wide ball. 10. Law 38.3 - Striker Leaving ground early Umpires will follow the following protocol in relation to this law: a. A warning must be given by the bowler in the first instance of a non- striker leaving his/her ground too early. Even if the wicket has been broken and the batter is out of his ground, the decision on this first occasion is ‘not out.’ b. The warning is given to the batter, but it becomes a ‘team’ warning for the remainder of that innings. c. The warning is to be relayed back to each incoming batsman. Any players who subsequently stand as umpires are to be made aware of the warning having been given. d. Any batter, after that, is liable to this form of run-out dismissal. e. This procedure is to be followed for each innings.