Lancashire League Handbook 2023

76 number overs to be bowled in an innings is reduced, due to a delayed start or an interruption during the game, no bowler may bowl more than one-fifth of the total overs allowed - (unless such a number has been exceeded before the interruption) - except that where the number of overs are not divisible by five, an additional over shall be allowed to the minimum number of bowlers necessary to make up the balance. When an interruption occurs mid over and on resumption the bowler has exceeded the new maximum allocation, he will be allowed to finish the uncompleted over. In the event of the bowler being unable to complete an over, the remaining balls will be bowled by another bowler. Such part of an over will count as a full over only in so far as each bowler’s limit is concerned. 6. RESTRICTIONS ON THE PLACEMENT OF FIELDERS The following fielding restrictions shall apply. 6.1 At the instant of delivery, there may not be more than 5 fielders on the leg side. 6.2 Two semi-circles shall be drawn on the field of play. The semi-circles shall have as their centre the middle stump at either end of the pitch. The radius of each of the semi-circles shall be 30 yards (27.43 metres). The semi- circles shall be linked by two parallel straight lines drawn on the field. The fielding restriction areas should be marked by continuous painted white lines or ‘dots’ at 5 yard (4.57 metres) intervals, each ‘dot’ to be covered by a white plastic or rubber (but not metal) disc measuring 7 inches (18 cm) in diameter. 6.3 At the instant of delivery: (a) Powerplay 1 – no more than two fielders shall be permitted outside this fielding restriction area. In an innings of 50 overs, these are overs 1 to 10 inclusive. (b) Powerplay 2 – no more than four fielders shall be permitted outside this fielding restriction area. In an innings of 50 overs, these are overs 11 to 40 inclusive. (c) Powerplay 3 – no more than five fielders shall be permitted outside this fielding restriction area. In an innings of 50 overs, these are overs 41 to 50 inclusive. 6.4 In circumstances when the number of overs of the batting team is reduced, the number of overs within each phase (Powerplay) of the innings shall be reduced in accordance with the table in Appendix 2. For the sake of clarity, it should be noted that the table shall apply to both the 1st and 2nd innings of the match. Appendix 2 6.5 If play is interrupted during an innings, overs are reduced and the table in Appendix 2 is applied, the Powerplay overs take immediate effect. For the avoidance of doubt this applies even if the interruption has occurred