Lancashire League Handbook 2023

84 dates arranged by the Competition Committee with matches to start at 6:15 pm. 7. Admission Charges will be set at the A.G.M. each year. Admission charges for 2023 are set at - Group matches and Quarter Finals - £3.00 (£1.00 concessions) - Finals Day - £5 (£2 concessions) In the group stages and quarter finals the home club is allowed if it so wishes not to charge for admission to a match. [However if a club decides not to make such a charge this must be for all such matches during the season]. Any Gate receipts shall be retained by the Home Club save that on the Finals Day when they shall be divided equally by the competing Clubs and the League after the deduction of expenses for Umpires’ fees [and such other reasonable expenses which have been approved by the Competition Committee prior to Finals Day]. 8. Umpires Umpires for all matches will be appointed by the League Assistant Secretary. Umpires’ fees are to be paid by the Home Club prior to the commencement of the game. Fees are £30 for each Umpire in a game which is commenced: £15.00 if the game is called off before commencement to such Umpires present at the ground: no fee will be paid if the game is cancelled earlier so that Umpires have not been required to travel (see Rule13). 9. Professionals/Overseas Amateurs Any Club unable to play their Professional / Overseas Amateur, may engage the services of a substitute professional or overseas amateur not already employed within the League. If a substitute cannot be found Clubs will be permitted to play 11 amateurs. 10. Clothing, Equipment & Sightscreens. Coloured clothing (including pads) may be worn but sightscreens must be white. 11. Balls Each Club shall supply a match ball of suitable quality plus two suitable spares. New Pink balls of Grade A standard shall be used. The balls are to be presented to the Umpires for approval before the toss. Clubs will bat their own ball. 12. Result Sheet. The home Club scorer must complete a result sheet at the end of the game to be signed by both Umpires then forwarded to the League Secretary as soon as possible. 13. Early Cancellation. When it is evident that as a result of the weather a match will not be able to be played the Home Club may contact the Visiting Club who may then elect to agree that the match be cancelled or to send a representative to view and consider the fitness for play of the ground. If both Clubs agree to the cancellation of the match the Home Club shall immediately notify the Assistant Secretary in