Lancashire League Handbook 2023

91 boundaries combined from its two innings in both the main match and in the one over per side eliminator shall be the winner. If the number of boundaries hit by both teams is equal, the team whose batsmen scored more boundaries during its innings in the main match (ignoring the over per side eliminator) shall be the winner. If still equal, a count-back from the final ball of the one over eliminator shall be conducted. The team with the higher scoring delivery shall be the winner. If a team loses two wickets during its over, then any unbowled deliveries will be counted as dot balls. Note that for this purpose, the runs scored from a delivery is defined as the total team runs scored since the completion of the previous legitimate ball, i.e. including any runs resulting from wides, no ball or penalty runs. Example: Runs scored from: Team 1 Team 2 Ball 6 1 1 Ball 5 4 4 Ball 4 2 1 Ball 3 6 2 Ball 2 0 1 Ball 1 2 6 In this example both teams scored an equal number of runs from the 6th and 5th ball of their innings. However, team 1 scored 2 runs from its 4th ball while team 2 scored a single so team 1 is the winner. 20. No Ball Penalty 20.1 The penalty for a no ball will be One run. 20.2 Free Hit after any form of No Ball In addition to 20.1. above, the delivery following a no ball called for any form of No Ball shall be a free hit for whichever batsman is facing it. If the delivery for the free hit is not a legitimate delivery (any form of no ball or a wide ball), then the next delivery will become a free hit for whichever batsman is facing. For any free hit, the striker can be dismissed only under the circumstances that apply for a no ball even if the delivery for the free hit is called wide ball. Field changes are not permitted for free hit deliveries unless there is a change of striker save that in all circumstances, any fielder within 15 yards of the striker may retreat to a position on the same line no more than 15 yards from the striker. The Umpires will signal a free hit by (after the normal No