Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 11 32. At the end of any Hearing, the Disciplinary Panel will consider the charge (in private) and determine whether, on the balance of probabilities, there has been a breach of these Regulations. Any decision of the Disciplinary Panel will be taken by majority vote, with the Disciplinary Panel Chair having a casting vote in the event of a tie. See Appendix 4, guidance note 10 for further information. 33. If the Disciplinary Panel decides that there has been a breach of these Regulations, it will impose a sanction in accordance with the sanction guidelines which appear in Appendix 3. 34. Unless the Disciplinary Panel directs otherwise, the parties will bear their own costs of preparing for and attending a Hearing. See Appendix 4, guidance note 11 for further information. 35. Wherever possible, the Disciplinary Panel Chair will communicate the decision and any sanction to the parties verbally at the end of the Hearing. The Disciplinary Panel’s decision will also be confirmed to the parties (and, where the Respondent is a Participant, the Participant’s Club) in writing following the Hearing. See Appendix 4, guidance note 12 for further information. APPEALS PROCESS 36. Any decision made by an Adjudicator or a Disciplinary Panel may be appealed by the Respondent. In order to commence an appeal, the Appellant shall submit: (a) a Notice of Appeal; and (b) a fee to cover the standard administrative costs of the Appeal Panel; to the Disciplinary Officer of the Appeal Body within 7 days of receipt of the decision in writing. See Appendix 4, guidance notes 13 and G for further information. 37. The Notice of Appeal must contain at least one of the following grounds of appeal: (a) the Adjudicator or Disciplinary Panel came to a decision to which no reasonable body could have come; (b) there was a serious procedural irregularity, which includes the Adjudicator or Disciplinary Panel not following the procedure set out in these Regulations, in a way which significantly impacted the rights of the Appellant and caused the decision to be unjust; (c) there is fresh evidence (in which case the Notice of Appeal must state why the evidence could not be presented at the original Hearing or before the original decision was made and is, or would have been, material to the decision); and/or (d) the sanction imposed was manifestly excessive.