Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 14 APPLICABILITY OF PENALTIES 50. Following the Effective Date and being given notice of any penalty imposed under these Regulations, all Participants and cricket organisations (subject to the specific provisions in the CDC Regulations) shall recognise, give effect to and fully enforce any sanction imposed by any Adjudicator or Disciplinary Panel under these Regulations or the Recreational Cricket Regulations. 51. If the Relevant Disciplinary Body is aware that the Respondent participates in multiple leagues and/or competitions, including competitions run by a County Cricket Board and/or the ECB, the Disciplinary Officer of the Relevant Disciplinary Body must communicate any sanction imposed under these Regulations to the Disciplinary Officer of the relevant competition organiser(s). MISCELLANEOUS 52. Where the incident(s) leading to any charge relating to conduct occurred when any other disciplinary regulations were in force, then: (a) the offences which may be charged and the sanctions that may be applied shall be determined by the regulations that were in force at the time of the offence; and (b) the process to be followed will be determined by the regulations that were in force when the complaint was first brought to the attention of the Relevant Disciplinary Body.