Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 15 APPENDIX 1 Disciplinary Report Template The Disciplinary Officer of the Relevant Disciplinary Body will use the information contained in this form, along with any other conduct history and information it holds about the Participant, to determine what disciplinary action (if any) is to be taken. The Disciplinary Officer may pass it on to an Adjudicator or Disciplinary Panel where necessary who may use it to assist in their disciplinary decisions. Data protection Each person whose personal data is to be recorded on this form should receive the Relevant Disciplinary Body’s Privacy Notice attached to this form. To be completed by Umpire (and Participant(s) where relevant) Competition/Match Venue Date Participant’s Name Participant’s Club Captain on the day Persons present Umpire(s) Name(s) Umpire’s report of the incident Please continue on separate sheet if necessary. Regulations breached Level of On-Field breach Any relevant comments that the Participant has made Date cricketer, captain or Club Official notified of the alleged breach [ENCLOSE COPY OF PRIVACY NOTICE OF RELEVANT DISCIPLINARY BODY]