Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 17 APPENDIX 2 Charge Letter Template [FULL NAME OF RESPONDENT (PERSON, CLUB OR LEAGUE)] [ADDRESS OF RESPONDENT] [DATE OF LETTER] Dear [INSERT NAME OF RESPONDENT] CHARGE LETTER You are charged with breaching the following provisions of the ECB’s General Conduct Regulations, a full copy of which is enclosed with this letter [together with the Disciplinary Body’s Privacy Notice which explains how personal data in this matter will be used]: (1) [LIST RELEVANT REGULATION(S) BREACHED] (2) [LIST RELEVANT REGULATION(S) BREACHED] [IF INDIVIDUAL RESPONDENT] Please confirm which cricket leagues and/or competitions you participate in and in which county or counties. FACTS [It is alleged that on [DATE] at [PLACE/MATCH] you [INSERT BACKGROUND FACTS TO ALLEGATION(S)] EVIDENCE The evidence relied on in this matter is [INSERT DETAILS OF ANY EVIDENCE RELIED ON FOR THIS CHARGE]. PROCEDURE In accordance with Regulation 26 of the ECB’s General Conduct Regulations, I have appointed a Disciplinary Panel and Disciplinary Panel Chair as follows: [INSERT NAME OF CHAIR] (Disciplinary Panel Chair) [INSERT NAME OF PANEL MEMBER] [INSERT NAME OF PANEL MEMBER] If you object to any of the above Disciplinary Panel members on the basis of a conflict of interest, please notify me as soon as possible in writing, stating the reason(s) for your objection(s). The Disciplinary Panel Chair will set you a timeframe by which to reply to this Charge Letter in writing and set any other directions for the exchange of information and/or evidence that the Disciplinary Panel Chair considers appropriate. You will be informed of the date, time, and place of the Hearing as soon as possible.