Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 18 All parties to the Hearing will have the right to: (a) be accompanied; (b) have the complaint explained; (c) see and hear the evidence being presented; (d) present their account of the relevant conduct; (e) represent themselves at the Hearing or arrange for a third party to act on their behalf; and/or (f) ask for the Hearing to be rearranged and offer reasonable alternative date(s) if they are unable to attend on the date proposed. The charge(s) detailed in this Charge Letter will be the only charges heard at the Hearing. OR PROCEDURE In accordance with Regulation 19 of the ECB’s General Conduct Regulations, I have provided this Charge Letter to the Adjudicator, [INSERT NAME OF CHAIR]. If you object to the Adjudicator on the basis of a conflict of interest, please notify me as soon as possible in writing, stating the reason(s) for your objection(s). The Adjudicator will set you a timeframe by which to reply to this Charge Letter in writing, if you wish to do so, and to provide any other information that you consider relevant. The Adjudicator will then consider whether there has been a breach of the Regulations and, if so, what sanction should be applied.] Your sincerely [INSERT NAME OF DISCIPLINARY OFFICER AND RELEVANT CRICKET ORGANISATION] Encl. [ENCLOSE COPY OF GCR AND PRIVACY NOTICE OF RELEVANT DISCIPLINARY BODY]