Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 21 APPENDIX 4 Guidance A. The on-field behaviour listed in Regulation 4 mirrors the conduct provisions in the Laws of Cricket and additional conduct provisions have been included in Regulations 5-6 and 10-13. Relevant Cricket Organisations can stipulate that additional categories of on-field and/or off-field behaviour will constitute an On-Field Breach or an Off-Field Breach in accordance with the version of these Regulations that they adopt. If so, the Regulations and definition of On-Field Breach and Off-Field Breach should be amended accordingly. For the avoidance of doubt, Relevant Cricket Organisations cannot exclude any of the categories of on-field or off-field behaviour which fall within the definition of On-Field Breach or Off-Field Breach in these Regulations. B. Relevant Cricket Organisations can stipulate that players under their jurisdiction are obliged to report additional categories of offence to them. If so, the definition of Relevant Criminal Offence should be amended accordingly. 1. JURISDICTION (DEFINITIONS) 1.1 When a definition or regulation refers to someone (or something) being “under the jurisdiction” of another body or organisation (for example, the definition of “Participants”), this means that the relationship between that person and other body is such that the body or organisation has official power to make decisions or judgments in respect of that person. For example, when a cricketer signs up to join and play for a cricket club, they agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of that cricket club and are therefore officially under that cricket club’s jurisdiction. 2. SCOPE OF THESE REGULATIONS 2.1 These Regulations do not apply to competitions organised by First-Class Counties, including any academy fixtures. 2.2 If a County Cricket Board or National County arranges or participates in ad hoc or friendly matches that do not form part of a formal competition structure, these Regulations will not apply to those fixtures and the Recreational Cricket Regulations shall apply instead. 2.3 These Regulations also do not apply to competitions organised by University Centres of Cricketing Excellence or Colleges of Sport unless they have adopted these Regulations. 2.4 The ECB GCR will apply to any competitions organised by the ECB, including County Age Group and Emerging Player Programme fixtures. 3. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION CODE 3.1 The ECB Anti-Discrimination Code can be found on the following ECB webpage, along with guidance on the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code: regulations/regulations/non-first-class-county.