Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 22 4. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DISCIPLINARY PROCESSES (REGULATION 2(D)) 4.1 Relevant Cricket Organisations may already have structures in place where there is an agreed division of responsibility between Clubs, Leagues and County Cricket Boards about which categories of case will be determined by which entity. Whilst the ECB would prefer for there to be consistency in this across the game, we appreciate that in many cases these systems are operating effectively and therefore are not seeking to disrupt this approach at this stage. However, in order for these Regulations to be effective it is crucial that there is consistency of process, procedure and approach to sanctions. Accordingly, Relevant Cricket Organisations who wish to retain that existing structure will not be in breach of these Regulations provided that whichever Club, League and/or County Cricket Board has jurisdiction over a particular category of cases complies with the requirements in relation to the disciplinary and/or appeals process as set out in these Regulations. 4.2 Relevant Cricket Organisations should consider, and clearly stipulate to all Participants: (a) Whether offences at Level 1 and Level 2 should be determined by the same Relevant Disciplinary Body as offences at Level 3 and Level 4. (b) Whether On-Field Breaches should be determined by the same Relevant Disciplinary Body as Off-Field Breaches. (c) Which cricket organisation has jurisdiction in respect of each of cricketers, coaches, club officials and/or match officials. (d) Which cricket organisation has jurisdiction in respect of appeals. 5. DISCIPLINARY REPORTS AND WRITTEN COMPLAINTS (REGULATION 7) 5.1 Disciplinary Reports and Written Complaints must only be submitted in good faith, i.e. with honest intentions and containing correct information (to the best of the individual’s knowledge). The primary purpose of allowing Written Complaints to be submitted by individuals other than the umpire is to capture offences that an umpire did not see but which would constitute an offence if the umpire had seen it. 5.2 Disciplinary Reports and Written Complaints should include a description of the alleged breach including: (a) any relevant background information; (b) name(s) of any witnesses; (c) who was involved; (d) what the Participant(s) is/are alleged to have done; (e) anything anyone said at the time (including admissions and/or apologies); and (f) any information regarding any relevant evidence and the context of that evidence (for example, information about a recording of the match, which captured the alleged incident or photographs taken and, if so, whether the parties involved were aware of and consented to this video footage and/or photographs). We refer to the ECB Live Streaming Guidance, which can be found here: ecb/document/2022/02/14/8f153276-1990-418c-ac19-360b382915e0/ECB-Live- Streaming-Guidance-September-2021-.pdf.