Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 26 9.5 Although it is a matter for the Chair to determine how to run the Hearing, most Hearings relating to a breach of the Regulations should be inquisitorial (taking on a fact-finding approach to get to the bottom of the situation as it is alleged) rather than adversarial and oppositional (which is the approach taken in criminal or civil proceedings). The Chair should make clear that the parties will have the opportunity to raise any matters they consider relevant to determining whether the Charge can be made out and allow for an appropriate length of Hearing to provide sufficient time for this. 9.6 All parties should be given information explaining that they will have the opportunity to put forward any observations, question the other party or parties, and/or make any submissions on the matter (including in relation to the other side’s evidence). 9.7 The Chair and Panel should: (a) seek to ensure that witnesses are not present in the room being used for the Hearing until the time that they are required to give their evidence when they should be called into the room on an individual basis; and (b) ask each party, as part of their submissions, to outline any factors that the Panel should consider in determining an appropriate sanction in the event that the alleged breach is found to be proven, with reference to the ranges prescribed in Appendix 3 of the Regulations. 9.8 Relevant Disciplinary Bodies should seek to ensure that decisions are produced within 7 days of the respective Hearing. E. Relevant Cricket Organisations may stipulate a set timeframe for the Respondent to respond to the Charge Letter, provided that the Disciplinary Panel Chair shall have the power to grant the Respondent additional time to respond to the Charge Letter in appropriate circumstances. F. Relevant Cricket Organisations may stipulate how a Hearing will typically proceed, provided that the Disciplinary Panel Chair shall have the power to alter these directions in appropriate circumstances.