Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 27 10. BALANCE OF PROBABILITIES (REGULATIONS 23, 32 AND 45) 10.1 Adjudicators, Disciplinary Panels and Appeals Panels will determine matters on the “balance of probabilities”. This means that when the Panel is considering whether the alleged breach has been committed or not, they must be satisfied that it is “more likely than not” that the alleged breach took place, taking account of the evidence submitted and heard. Therefore, the Panel do not have to be absolutely sure that it took place but satisfied that it is more likely that it did. 11. COSTS (REGULATIONS 34 AND 47) 11.1 For first instance decisions, the Disciplinary Panel may choose to make a costs order against the Relevant Disciplinary Body in instances where the alleged breach is found not to have been committed and/or the allegation is found to have been spurious or vexatious. In such instances, the Participant, Club or League against whom the Referral has been made may be reimbursed for reasonable costs as the Disciplinary Panel deem appropriate. 11.2 For appeals, the Appeal Panel may also choose to make a costs order in instances where the Appeal is successful or if it feels that one party has acted unreasonably by bringing the Appeal or in any way during the Appeal process. 11.3 All parties are encouraged to keep costs to a minimum and the Appeal Panel Chair will take any unreasonable incurring of costs by either party into account when determining whether to require one party to pay more of the additional costs. 12. PUBLICATION OF SANCTIONS 12.1 Relevant Cricket Organisations may wish to publish the outcome of disciplinary cases concluded under these Regulations on their websites. However, before doing so, Relevant Cricket Organisations should consider the data protection implications of publishing information about Participants on a public forum.