Lancashire League Handbook 2024

GENERAL CONDUCT REGULATIONS FOR RECREATIONAL CRICKET 2024 28 13. APPEALS (REGULATION 36-49) 13.1 If the Notice of Appeal or required administrative fee is not submitted within 7 days, the Appeal will not proceed unless there are reasons justifying otherwise, which shall be decided by the Appeal Panel Chair in their sole discretion. The appeal fee is requested to cover the administrative costs associated with holding a hearing and/or otherwise determining the matter. For example, there may be costs associated with the travel of the panel members or hiring a room for the day. If no administrative costs are incurred, the Appeals Body may choose to refund all or part of the fee in accordance with Regulation 47. 13.2 All procedural rules and principles that apply to Hearings at first instance also apply to appeals. The process and timing requirements for Disciplinary Panel Hearings (detailed in the Regulations and above at paragraph 9 of this guidance) will also apply to Appeal Panel Hearings. G. An Appeal Body may stipulate an appropriate fee in respect of appeals. The maximum fee that would be considered appropriate is £150, but the Appeal Body may stipulate a lower figure. An Appeal Body may also stipulate a different timeframe for a Notice of Appeal to be filed. H. An Appeal Body may stipulate a set timeframe for the Relevant Disciplinary Body to respond to the Notice of Appeal, if it chooses to do so, provided that the Appeal Panel Chair shall have the power to grant the Relevant Disciplinary Body additional time to respond to the Notice of Appeal in appropriate circumstances. I. It may be appropriate for the Disciplinary Panel Chair to suspend a Participant from participating in cricket until the Hearing has concluded, or the Appeal Panel Chair to impose a sanction imposed by a Disciplinary Panel until an Appeal has concluded, where the allegations which have been made are serious, the sanctions imposed (or likely to be imposed) are severe and it would potentially bring the sport into disrepute for the Participant to participate in cricket whilst the disciplinary process is ongoing. J. An Appeal Body may stipulate how an Appeal Hearing will typically proceed, provided that the Appeal Panel Chair shall have the power to alter these directions in appropriate circumstances. K. An Appeal Body may stipulate a different limit for any award of costs.