Lancashire League Handbook 2024

LCL Handbook 2024 25 performance and this year it went to a batsmanwhomade 98 not in aWorsley Cup win against Nelson, the recipient was Harry Caton of Ramsbottom. Three awards are made to Umpires on the basis of Captains marks. The Peter Hargreaves trophy is made to the Umpire with the best overall marks in the Junior Leagues. The winner for 2023 was TedWhitehead. We have two Senior Umpires awards, the Wally Ashley runners up trophy was won by Ken Fergusson and the Harry Saul Trophy went to Duncan Warburton for the sixth consecutive year. The Joe Collier award goes to the team who are given the best marks by umpires for sportsmanship in both First and a Second Eleven games and the winners for 2023 were Nelson Cricket Club. And finally we have the Alick Ormerod Trophy, which goes to the captain who receives the best marks in Senior Division Cricket and this year the winner was Peter Dibb of Clitheroe. As we look towards 2024, there will be a changing of the guard on the Executive, Chairman Mike Bibby has decided to retire and will become President, replacing Larry Pearson who has now served two terms in the office. Both have been outstanding contributors towards both the League and the Executive. Mike’s focus and determination has driven us through two expansions, re-entry into the Lancashire Cup andmost notably accreditation as an ECB Premier League, all of which are historic notable events within the history of the League and must not go unnoticed. I personally wish to thank him and Larry for their conscientious efforts over the past few years and wish our incoming Chairman, Tony Woodworth equal success in the role.