Lancashire League Handbook 2024

LCL Handbook 2024 28 League Rules must be conducted by the Club’s League Representative, Club Chairman or Club Secretary. In cases of appeal against the decisions of the Committee or of protests against results of matches, or in any disputed matter, the Club or Clubs concerned must be represented by the official Representative, except by consent of the meeting (to be obtained by ballot before the matter in question is dealt with). Such Representatives shall not be allowed to vote or be present whilst the Committee arrive at a decision. 2. (B) Any Club failing to be represented at any meeting of the League Committee shall be fined (Category 2 Rule B5(e)). PENALTIES 3. The League Committee have power to inflict such penalties as they may determine for violation of any of the League Rules, except such as have the penalty already stated. COMMITTEE’S POWER 4. The Executive Committee have power to deal with any matter not provided for in the foregoing Rules, or to vary any Rule as circumstances shall require. ANNUAL MEETING 5. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of February and may be attended by three Representatives from each Club, only one of whom shall be allowed to vote. The business of the meeting shall be as follows:- (a) (1) The Secretary’s Report. (b) (2) The Treasurer’s Report and Statement of Accounts. (c) (3) The Election of Officers. (d) (4) To consider proposed new rules or alterations to existing rules of which notice has been given to the Secretary not later than October 15th, and by him to the Clubs not later than November 15th. The adoption of any rule or alteration to any existing rules shall not be carried unless it receives the support of at least two thirds of the Clubs constituting the League. (e) (5) Toreviewandsetforthefollowingyearthefollowingfeesandfines: (i) Fee upon entering the League (Rule B6) £500.00 (ii) Annual Subscriptions (Rule B6) £75.00 (iii) Compensation payable under Rule C4(1a) £1,000.00 (iv) Administrative Fees - Category 1 £50.00 (v) Administrative Fines - Category 2 £25.00 (vi) Conduct Fines - Category 3 Such sum as may be considered appropriate in all the circumstances being not less than £100.00 and not more than £1,000.00. (vii) Administrative Fines Category 4 £10 (f) (6) The admission of new Clubs into membership of the League. (g) Such other business as may be sanctioned by the Chairman of the meeting.